Julie Mackie Blog

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AUG 21, 2012

Judy Dykstra-Brown

A huge thanks to Judy for her memories of Julie and her generous donation!

I do not have one unpleasant memory of Julie. She was as talented at friendship as she was in her art. I'm so glad I got to spend time with her on my last visit to the San Lorenzo Valley. I will never forget her generosity in bringing a gourmet dinner to us the night Bob died and in Joe and Julie sharing that meal with Bob's kids and me. It was a very special evening. Love to Julie and to Joe and to all of you in the art center family. There could be no better place for Julie's memorial. Love, Judy Dykstra-Brown

 Damian Taylor No comments:


Aug 17, 2012

Timothy Goodwin

Some memories of Julie from her nephew, Timothy Goodwin:

So many of my favorite memories of your mother always included both of you.  Do you remember your house in Sausalito? (we were all pretty young then), I remember Damian & I playing in the back yard, (Josh you must have been real little, cause I don't think I remember you there), anyway, Julie brought us some siren rings (the kind you blow on and they make a siren sound).  I remember after hours of ear splitting fun, Art finally taking them away because we were making such a racket.  When you moved to B (is that right?) we played in the creek and caught crawfish…… well you two caught them, they scared the shit out of me. (Josh, this is where my first memories of you begin).   I remember getting up early on Saturday morning and watching cartoons with you.  I remember all the adults hanging out in the Trap, while us kids were not allowd.  While we were visiting you, Julie gave me a big box of art supplies… colored pencils, pastels, water colors.  It was the coolest thing i had ever seen, and I had the last of the colored pencils right up into the 90's.  


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Robin Kay

A tribute to Julie from Robin Kay, Julie’s step-sister. Thanks for the memories Robin!


Fair of face and full of grace! Julie was born gifted with talent in creating anything. I called her “Jooles“ and to me she always looked perfect. Her art conveyed her love of surprise, wit and imagination. She was a complex person with a complex mood that spun from subject to subject...

She could be animated, sad, cheerful, gay, obtuse and angry all in a matter of moments.

She always had questions…Her quest for answers was a driving force in her life…She loved the library as there questions could be answered with books and knowledge rather than opinion. Jooles liked facts. Real facts that could be checked and she pushed until she got answers.

She loved any kind of creative endeavor and the list was endless …, sewing, adding accessories or furniture to her home or suggesting them to others, she was joyous when she found a new bed spread, that one perfect pillow, shopping for that most unusual dress, a great hair cut that sometimes she would with her own scissors change ever so slightly, a freshly painted room, a clean house, a beautifully set table, a glorious garden that she would plant herself.

Jooles was an incredible cook and delighted in following even the most difficult recipes to the letter….the result was an appetizing amazing repast fit for the most ardent and critical foodie. If you advised skipping a step in the recipe she would look at you with those green eyes like you were crazy. Her list of food accomplishments included everything from soup to nuts! She roasted her own chestnuts in New York, baked mouthwatering bread, made her own stock from bones she had roasted herself, she hand created her own chocolates, canned preserves and fresh fruit, grew vegetables and herbs... To Jooles a good recipe was worth its weight in gold. She perused me relentlessly for Alice’s Pork and Sauerkraut recipe. Which alas I did not have. But together on the phone we re-build what we fondly remembered as children a one of the best things we ever ate.

Everything Julie did, she did with passion and the pursuit of excellence. If in her mind it was not good enough it was re-done., and then re-done again until in her eye perfection had been achieved.

She possessed a wry sense of humor…and wit. She could be cautious and at the same time adventurous…She adored her grandchildren because every day with them was a new adventure. First words, first steps, first sentences, first drawing were treasures that Jooles kept close to her heart.

She loved Jeaner and hovered over her care, fought until she got what she wanted for Jeaner and gave more time than any of us siblings in creating a “perfect” environment for Jeaner to be in...I remember her telling me how she had been in all the room in the West Wing to find the one with the best view for Jeaner. And that is the room she got.

I take solace in knowing that she is with Jeaner .They can cook, create and celebrate all the memories they have….and watch down upon us for the memories we have yet to give her.

Robin Kay
copyright 2012

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Aug 15, 2012

Please join us on Saturday, September 1st at the Mountain Arts Center to remember, tell stories and celebrate Julie's life. The official invite is to the left, click on it to see the full sized version.

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